2 Most Common Plumbing Problems

What are the most common plumbing problems?

Clogged drains and leaky pipes are the most common plumbing issues. We will discuss each of these problems below.

Plumbing is a critical part of your home. When you have problems, you don’t realize just how dependent you are on it. As your home ages, you will experience plumbing problems such as a dripping faucet or a slow drain. Many of these issues can be fixed easily. Some of these issues can be dangerous and should be left to professionals. Knowing the most common plumbing problems and their solutions will help you decide when to pull out your tools and when to look for plumbers in Palm harbor.


Clogged drains can be identified when water is backing up while you flush a sink or use the shower. The signs of a toilet clog are usually more obvious. The toilet will not flush normally; instead, it will back up in the bowl. It may overflow. You can usually restore your toilet or drains to normal by doing some DIY or calling a plumber.

  • Causes of the Problem: Slow drains or clogged drains can occur when something blocks or partially blocks the drain. Hair is the most common culprit in sinks and showers. However, other items such as shampoo lids or small toys can block drains. Toilets are often clogged by other substances, such as toilet paper or dissolvable waste. These solid objects are unable to move through the pipe and so they remain put. This makes it difficult or impossible for water flow down the pipes past the blockage.
  • How To Fix Clogged Toilets and Drains: Use a plunger to remove the blockage. The plunger can be used on both drains and toilets. This simple plumbing tool can be used to remove clogs by using air pressure. To create suction, place the plunger’s open end over the drain. You can pull the blockage out of the drain using tweezer or pliers. If you are unable to remove the blockage using a plunger, chemical drain cleaners may be an option. Plumbing snakes can also be purchased at home improvement stores to clear blockages and get water flowing again.
  • Avoiding Clogging Toilets and Drains: Prevent clogs in your toilets by only flushing dissolved waste down the toilet. To ensure that children don’t flush toys and other large objects down the toilet, it is important to watch them closely. It is better to get rid of anything that falls into the toilet than flush it. To prevent hair from clogging the drain, place a hair catcher in the shower. To prevent sink clogging, keep hair strands out of the sinks.
  • Calling a Plumber Let a professional handle blocked drains or your clogged toilet, if it is not possible to remove the blockage by yourself. If you have multiple clogs in the drain, it is time to call a plumber. Regular use of caustic drain cleaners can cause damage to pipes. The problem may be fixed by a plumber to prevent future clogs.


Common plumbing problems in houses and apartments are leaking pipes and leaking faucets. Dripping faucets can be more annoying and costly than a serious plumbing problem. However, fixing leaks in your home could help you save up to 10% on your monthly water bill. One drip per second from a faucet can lead to more than 3,000 gallons of water every year, which is equivalent to 180 showers. Plumbing leaks can cause over 1 trillion gallons water loss across the country. It is easy to identify a leaky faucet because the water actually drips from the faucet when it’s in its off position. Even if you’re not in the room, you can hear the drips.

Published by John

Hello my name is John and I'm an avid DIYer. I've saved thousands by completing projects on my own and you can too. Follow along to my DIY article post and start getting things done on your own.